
  • Age: 16
  • Country: Germany
  • Exchange duration: 2 months

My exchange was an unforgettable experience

My exchange was an unforgettable experience for both myself and my family. It gave me the opportunity to travel by myself, to live in a new country and to speak a new language. I am now more confident in myself, in speaking German and using my own initiative and in asking more questions! It was great for our family as we got to see a lot more of our country, we planned a lot of day trips so Carolin could see Ireland. I have improved a lot linguistically, I now understand much more and I am more confident in speaking German. Carolin’s family were great, they were warm and always so welcoming, they helped me with my grammar and vocabulary. I think the best part of the exchange was trying new things, I've always wanted to try new types of dance, getting to try Jumpstyle and Hip Hop so close to where I stayed was truly amazing. I made a friend from Canada and I am overwhelmed by how kind people can be. We still chat regularly and she helped me with the challenges of being an exchange student! I also loved escaping school if you didn't have any classes! Not like here in Ireland, we have to stay put until lunch time!

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