
  • Age: 15
  • Country: France
  • Exchange duration: 2 months

The exchange was a dream come true

How was your overall exchange experience with Aventuro Ireland?

The exchange was a dream come through. I have learned so much and met so many new people who I can now call my friends.

How did you rate the matching of the families? Why?

The family I matched with was perfect we were so alike in every way which made the exchange even more enjoyable. We were able to do activities which we both really enjoyed. By the end of the exchange I felt like she really was my sister.

What is the best aspect of the exchange?

Being able to go to France and experience a new culture was the best part for me. I was able to live a completely different life to the one in Ireland. I got to live in the city which was very different for me. I also got to try new food and do things I never would have done at home. It has made me a more confident person. I definitely find myself more outgoing and it has made me more open minded.

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