
  • Age: 16
  • Country: France

  • Exchange duration: 1 month

My standard of French has substantially increased since the exchange.

How was your overall exchange experience with Aventuro Ireland?

I don't have a negative comment to make on Aventuro. Since entering their competition, they've gifted me with a free matching with a French family and I haven't looked back since.

How has this experience enhanced you personally?

The exchange experience has helped make me a more confident, independent and spontaneous person. It's opened my eyes to a world of adventure!

How has the experience enhanced your family overall?

To have had the opportunity to interact with a French family, I think, has had very beneficial effects on my family. We are even more celebratory of cultural differences than ever before.

Do you feel you have improved linguistically? If so, how?

My standard of French has substantially increased since the exchange. Thanks to my exchange family, I'm now reading Harry Potter in French! I've started listening and singing to French songs as well as watching French films. My level of spoken French is so much better now, after a month in France.

How did you rate the matching of the famillies? Why?

The family Aventuro paired me with couldn't have been more hospitable, my exchange partner was engaging and open from the start. I fell in love with the family's way of life; their appreciation of music, film, culture and adventure. The match was perfect. It set me up for an experience of a lifetime, one which I will never forget.

Did you feel supported while taking part in the exchange?

I personally had no issues during the exchange, though if I did have an issue I knew who to call and had every faith I would be supported.

Write a short description on what the best aspect of the exchange is.

Without a shadow of a doubt the best aspect of the exchange was living a new incredible culture. I was in awe of the French lifestyle, it felt almost surreal to be living it for myself. The people, the places, the food all gave me a profound love and respect for the French culture.

Tell us about your fondest memory or best experience while on the exchange.

I have experienced too many good memories to count during the exchange but one in particular sticks with me. We were at the family's holiday home in Gournava, Brittany. It was a beautiful French summer's day; hot and sunny, but the lake was refreshing. I remember thinking how like paradise it felt; picturesque and perfect in every way.

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