The Benefits of an Aventuro Student Exchange

In doing a student exchange with us, you will travel and improve your Spanish, French or German. Living abroad will develop your skills in speaking, reading, and writing, immersion will assist you to explore the culture through traditional food, dance, history, music, media and much more! You will become a member of a new International Family!
Through years of research and studies, experts have concluded that learning a foreign language has many benefits for young learners. Some benefits include increased verbal development, better problem-solving and math skills, greater self-confidence and personal fulfilment, clearer spatial relations, better communication skills, heightened creativity, and enhanced memory.
As the global boundaries continue to get smaller through technological and societal advances, learning a foreign language provides our children with a vehicle to develop meaningful relationships and cultural awareness, enhance career opportunities, gain self-confidence, and broaden their perspectives.
Join us this summer to expand your mind and enrich your life!